Recent content by Richard Sutton

  1. Richard Sutton

    Aaaargh agent fail :(

    My favorite rejection was from an agent that's a big deal here in NY. She loved the story and respected the writing but her best friend just got back from Ireland and had written a book set in Co. Mayo so she really couldn't take mine on. It's always somethin', ain't it? I don't pitch around...
  2. Richard Sutton

    My ongoing block... new post: Deserving...

    Yeah, I guess we Earthlife have to believe each of us is a pinnacle of some sort. Makes all kinds of trouble for everyone else. Patricia's got it. We should all settle down, enjoy a nice meal and a drink and play some music when the chores are all done. It doesn't get much better than that and...
  3. Richard Sutton

    My ongoing block... new post: Deserving...

    Hi, all! I've been very quiet since November. Even my keyboard hasn't been clacking away merrily, the way it used to. There are two books sitting there waiting for me... but reality intrudes more frequently than it used to. I managed to write a short piece this morning that kind of summed up my...
  4. Richard Sutton

    Aaaargh agent fail :(

    Lucy, the only thing that comes to mind is that if your own writing is terribly awkward, well then you can always offer agency services... right?
  5. Richard Sutton


    Hi, Amber. I've not been around lately. It's always nice to see the familiar faces peering out of the ether!
  6. Richard Sutton

    Why Do You Write?

    Huzzahs! Now, that's the rub, ain't it? Trying to settle the spiraling voices in our heads into stories forces writing upon us. I also have no other choice... most of the time. Writing at times is the very best escape there is. If there is no muse pounding upon my shoulders, the desire to pound...
  7. Richard Sutton

    Hello all!

    Hey Michael, therre's a new vodka that's flavored with green tea. Have you tried that one yet? Probably not good for razor sharp reflexes though...
  8. Richard Sutton

    The Horrors of Social Media and Modern Publishing

    And you know what? They dress and act just like people! The smell of sulfur doesn't really give 'em away until you're standing too close to evade their grasp. Years ago, when I thought I'd give the social media thing a try, I figured the safest way to proceed was to just be myself, no...
  9. Richard Sutton

    From a Sandy Recluse...

    Find a chair and settle in. We're all looking forward to meeting you screen to screen... by the way, I like your site design!
  10. Richard Sutton

    Fanfare! At last!

    Well deserved, Sue. I see I've missed a lot in my absence...
  11. Richard Sutton

    The Horrors of Social Media and Modern Publishing

    Trolls are real, and can affect your book sales... especially if you annoy list-makers on Goodreads and they add your titles to their "Won't read 'til hell freezes over" lists. Really.
  12. Richard Sutton

    Books as Friends

    We both attended the University of Oregon. Richard's poems still move me. I especially enjoy Machines of Loving Grace and of course, Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar Then, L. Frank Baum's Tik-Tok of Oz Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End Walter Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz...
  13. Richard Sutton

    Monday Motivation

    Sorry I've been out of touch for a spell. Re: rejection letters. I still have 'em all in a bulging folder. Must be more than fifty of 'em. Took me a long time to figure it out. Nobody's gonna make enough from fifteen percent of my sales to afford dinner. Plus, realizing that my stories aren't...
  14. Richard Sutton

    Bad news about ex-Litopian

    He hadn't sent any messages or made any updates for the past month or so. I had no idea he was that ill. I'm really going to miss him. He was my bud. What little of his writing I saw I always really enjoyed. Jessica Marie will miss him.
  15. Richard Sutton

    Who Stars in the Film of your Novel?

    Oh nooooo! Yes, of course. Now we'll have to change all the covers....