Thanks for stopping by.
As a kid I wanted to be an airline pilot, then all to quickly realised that what I really wanted was to see the world and communicate with as many people as possible.
To that end, I have worked and trained as an actor, an English teacher, a musician and even ran my own marketing company, all the while writing, but never considering it as an actual career.
That all changed a few years ago when my marketing company was forced into closure (recession).
After many weeks of soul searching I decided to turn my hand to something I had already been doing all my life... writing (In case you hadn't guessed).
I have never been poorer or happier.
I have one self published title 'SleepTalker' available to buy on Amazon, and have an amazing novel which i'm sending out to any literary agent I think would be able to effectively represent my YA book 'Professor Fidget and the Trouble with Time Travel.'
- Birthday
June 2
- Website
- Location
south shields, England
- Bibliography
Professor Fidget and the Trouble With Time Travel - as yet unpublished
SleepTalker - Published April 2017
One story in the Indiana Horror Collection 2012