Recent content by mykey987

  1. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Looking at how this thread has gone so far your point is proved!
  2. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    "mykey987 and the Forum Thread of Never-ending Nonsense"
  3. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    I've only been on here less than 24 hours and my first thread has descended into nonsense!
  4. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Ah, another lesson learned, i.e. to know one's audience. British puns don't work so well. Apologies. It's supposed to be funny, i.e. it's a lettuce on a lead but, yes, it turns out to be a Collie (which is an abbreviation of cauliflower) but no joke is good if it need to be explained this much!
  5. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Just in case anyone on this thread is not aware how that story ends. It turns out to be a Collie! ...gets coat...
  6. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Ha! I clearly need to work on removing ambiguity from my writing! Weird, unexpected and intriguing; perfect page-turning story fodder. Reminds me of the one about the person with the lettuce on a lead...!
  7. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Yeah, never stopped being a kid really. Struggle to take too much too seriously. A little obsessed of late as I'm trying to find one a day for a year (just done day 91). It's a hobby that lends itself well to obsession! A good trait, right? Wellwhen focussed on something writing...
  8. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Thanks for the nice welcome. Yeah, they can be tricky but, as with anything (like writing!) they get easier with experience. To date I've managed 2,513 which is nothing compared to many. Good fun and usually takes me to some inspiring places.
  9. mykey987

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Welcome from somebody who's now newer to this community than you!
  10. mykey987

    Everything in the Wrong Order?

    Hello everyone. My name's Mike and I'm an Aspiring Writer. I've been doing this on an off for a while now but in the very near future and going to be blessed with some extra time for a while. I intend to make the most of it. Anyway, I think the expected/normal approach here is to introduce...