Recent content by Diamond

  1. Diamond

    September writing goals.

    I will finish the first draft of my latest novel.
  2. Diamond

    Escape the Machine, the second book in my Avant Nation series, was just released...

    Escape the Machine, the second book in my Avant Nation series, was just released.
  3. Diamond

    Do you dig these covers?

    Those covers are fugly.
  4. Diamond

    Are you offensive and tasteless?

    If I'm not offending someone, I'm living my life wrong.
  5. Diamond

    Are We Getting Stupider? Or Just More Stupid?

    My kids (ages 12 and 14) are getting a public education here in the USA. I just asked them the questions posed to the Cal Tech students on the first video. The 14-year-old got all of them right except two. She didn't know the name of vice president or who Brad Pitt married. In fact, she didn't...
  6. Diamond

    Writers' Touchstones...

    If coffee mugs count, I have about a dozen touchstones.
  7. Diamond

    "Titles", anyone?

    If there is still space, I'd like to participate.
  8. Diamond

    Help Please! Upgrade to Windows 10?

    Thanks, but when I click the download button, I notice it's not installing epub, but something called genius box. Seems like they're trying to play the ol' bait-n-switch game.
  9. Diamond

    Help Please! Upgrade to Windows 10?

    Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out where I downloaded it from last time. Don't want to pick up a virus or anything.
  10. Diamond

    Help Please! Upgrade to Windows 10?

    I have converted one PC and two laptops to Windows 10. Can't say it went smoothly, but after a bit of frustration, all three machines are working fine now. However, I just noticed this morning that my PC has lost the ability to read ePub files. WTH?
  11. Diamond

    Is it in bad taste to point out the symbolism and themes in your own work?

    By 'back of the book', I mean it would be separate from the story. It would sit where a glossary normally goes. But now I'm leaning toward the link to a blog option instead.
  12. Diamond

    Is it in bad taste to point out the symbolism and themes in your own work?

    I was actually thinking about putting it at the back of the book. If I'm reading your post correctly, you're thinking that's a bad idea. That's what I wanted to know. Thank you, Carol Rose. I was kind of expecting that to be the consensus. So I had my next question all prepared. Would it be...
  13. Diamond

    Is it in bad taste to point out the symbolism and themes in your own work?

    When I was first introduced to symbolism back in a high school, it really rumpled me. I remember the exact book, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. My teacher was discussing how an owl in the daytime was viewed as a bad omen and how it symbolized the tragedy to come. I was thing WTF? An owl is an owl...
  14. Diamond

    Authors' Incomes

    I only meant to LIKE one post, but the comments kept getting funnier and I couldn't stop.
  15. Diamond

    Karen Grey Wins the Flash Contest for July/August!

    I'm late to the party. Congrats, Karen.