I am reader first and a writer second, so I am always reading something. This is a quick update as I have not posted in this thread before.
I have just finished Life's Little Ironies by Thomas Hardy published in a fine edition by the Folio Society. Fascinating short stories with ironic twists...
Many thanks Nicky. It really is good of you to respond.
I can write websites or, in fact, nowadays use Wordpress and just worry about the back end stuff. I have also used Mailchimp for many years (their FREE plan is 500 contact emails and upto 1,000 per month messages/newsletters etc.), which...
Thanks - that really is useful. One point sticks in my mind though: in all the decades of book buying I have never bought a novel because of its cover, however I have NOT bought a book because of its cover. Interesting eh. It makes me wonder if I should break the mould and not have a pictorial...
Dear All,
Having lurked around Litopia for many years my MS is going through a final edit (this time I mean it) and will be ready for publishing soon.
Having gone the rounds of submitting and being rejected by agents I have decided to 'publish or be damned' and take all the risk myself. I...
In a past £1M Big Lottery Funded project we found that pens, note pads/books and memory sticks (with a good capacity) were always very popular. In many ways it is probably down to their usefulness more than anything.
Antony Horowitz is a prolific author and writer for the large and small screen. He has been told to edit his latest manuscript to remove certain thoughts, phrases and expressions that may cause offence. He said -
“What is happening to writers is extremely dangerous,” he continued, “where...
I was in Durham last weekend @AgentPete . There are two Waterstones stores leading up to the castle and the cathedral. Both stores had these protective covers in the window. When I saw them it occurred to me that books are different sizes, especially thickness, so didn't see how they would fit...
Hi, I have just been into my Twitter profile and followed back a few new followers.
Has anyone experimented with other forms of communication/social media. A friend of mine has an 11 year old son who uses Tik Tok. Problem is I have used social media for nigh on 20 years and My Space, Pinterest...
If you see a tweet that has a number underneath it against a speech bubble that is telling you how many comments there are. To see the actual comments click over the tweet itself (avoid any embedded links in the tweet) and the tweet will open in your window/device and you can see the comments...
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