Recent content by CSwriter

  1. CSwriter


    Hi, what is middle-grade fiction? Interesting that you begin with something as big as novel - when I feel it's taken me years to work up to the epic amount of input/energy/resilience it requires
  2. CSwriter


    SHUCKS....I'm blushing....and thank you kindly....I am beginning to work on a novel, and often write shorts which end up around 5-7k words...and you?
  3. CSwriter


    Thanks very much for your feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it - it's so odd sending stuff out there, you never know how it is taken.
  4. CSwriter

    Go for a walk - forget about writing - see what happens?

    Go for a walk - forget about writing - see what happens?
  5. CSwriter


    Hi Robinne,thanks for asking. I am sending a link to the latest short story, and a flash piece I can find online and a comp where I came third - you have to scroll down for yonks to find me - - what is your medium? Words with JAM: Short Story Competition 2017 - THE WINNERS Grass by Christina...
  6. CSwriter


    Hola, new to the colony - I'm a short story writer (several published: Aesthetica, Bath Anthology, JAM, Bare Fiction..Litro, Reframe). I've created and performed in several life lit events which I really loved - and am now working on a novel.