There's a Facebook group called Trauma Fiction (Medical and Trauma Guidance for Fiction Writers).They're very good for stuff like that. Lots of experts on there. - And no, don't ask me why I joined them. :D
So as most of you know Sanderson is probably one of the most prolific fantasy writers these day. I don't know how he does it. Back in the days I binged his course recorded in BU in 2012. And now he is back with the 2025 instalment, repeating some...
New blog post by Claire G
Finding a Literary Agent
If you want to be traditionally published, the chances are that you’ll need a literary agent. Their job is to sell your book to a publishing house and manage the ‘business’ side of things for...
Please take this with a Dead Sea's worth of salt, as I've just imbibed an entire bottle of wine.
I like Scrivener, but it's not for everyone. The learning curve is a bit steep. You don't need to take my word for it. Follow the link and get...
I second all of what Nikky said. I have self-published 14 books, and for me the key components are paying an editor and a cover designer. I do my interior formatting in Affinity Publisher (which is very like Adobe Creative Suite, but much cheaper...
I wonder if it can go a step further - in that more writers means more of a market for writers. If someone reads a great book, they are likely to think I enjoyed that. I now want more great books so that I can have more enjoyment.
Books aren't...
Hello fellow self publisher! Yep, self publishing can be a daunting prospect, but the good news is there are LOADS of people and resources available to help you.
In addition to Litopia, two other communities I have found particularly useful with...
Useful tips.
1. “Instead of writing about a character, write from within the character. This means that every way the character describes the world must describe the character’s experience. You and I never walk into the same room as each other...
The Why of Winter
Sirius hard on The Hunter’s heels
A stoat in ermine gains the field
Blackthorn points the ancient tracks
of hidden beasts and crack-bone feasts
Skies of steel or sugared fire
Say resting time for sap-sunk trees
New blog post by Rachel McCarron
My First Crit
Do you remember your first time? Was it exciting? Were you nervous? Did you just want to get it over with?
One of the most wonderful of the many wonderful features of the Litopia Colony is The...
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