Recent content by AlexT

  1. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    Yes, I taped two sheets of A4 together side by side (so could view the whole “book” at a glance) and was writing short 1 para summaries of each chapter
  2. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    Yes I like this idea. I was starting to do something similar and now I will definitely follow your advice
  3. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    I like the idea of writing a synopsis
  4. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    Oh, and that the boat leaks!
  5. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    I always think of the first draft as building a boat: you shape the hull, step the mast, lay in the sails, set up the rigging. Revision is taking it out to sea and finding out the sails are badly cut, the rigging needs to be changed and the mast moved a couple of inches forward!
  6. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    Thanks for the suggestion. We should write books together!!!!
  7. AlexT

    Revising your first draft

    Hello everyone, I disappeared for a month or two but I'm back now. Does anybody here find revising/editing/rewriting their MS harder than actually writing it in the first place? I'm not talking about the editing of one's previous day's output (which I find to be both satisfying and a natural...
  8. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

    Out of curiosity what is "urban solar punk" and how does it differ from its lesser-known cousin "urban lunar punk?"
  9. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

  10. AlexT

    Care to share your how-to´s?

    Matnov, I don’t know you but I have the feeling you’d love Bukowski if you don’t already know him Anyway, thanks for the welcome and goodnight
  11. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

    To be honest I don’t think most agents read a thing, especially the more well-established ones
  12. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

    Lots of rejections so far
  13. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

    Looking for an agent
  14. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

    Nothing odd, at least I don’t think so. My wife read sthing on Google and told me about it.... There’s a medieval castle in Cardona, in the North of Spain which has now been turned into a 4star hotel. One of the rooms (room 712 to be precise) is kept locked and never given out to guests because...
  15. AlexT

    Hello from Barcelona

    Here’s to both of us then!!!! Let me know if you come to Barcelona.