Recent content by akas58

  1. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    I suspect I'm regarded as something of a pendant. In this example, if the writer had phrased it "...a hero or heroine meets their opposite; they assimilate it and are changed." it would be better but perhaps the "they" is implied. Tricky. I gather there are Americanizing editors that publishers...
  2. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    Thanks Paul. That's a very perceptive and concise summary of "story", and I agree that it is hardwired into us a "making sense of out world". But what bugs me right now is this: "...a hero or heroine meets their opposite, assimilate it and are changed." Should that be "assimilates it and is...
  3. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    Thanks David - how are you getting on?
  4. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    Thanks Carol, that looks helpful. To be fair I get the impression that so much more is going in the US and this particular screenplay is decidedly un-British.
  5. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    Yes, I meant Redhammer. It's proving much harder to get anyone to even look at screenplays compared to novels. And many agents who used to accept unsolicited no longer do. I'm not too bothered, I'll keep writing what I want and see what happens.
  6. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    Thanks for the encouragement. Their websites specifically say for screenplays they will either trash any unsolicted queries or they only want established writers. Apart from a minority of agents, and I'll focus on those. It really is quite a lottery as so many people are trying it. For example I...
  7. akas58

    Disorientated right now

    Ok I hope this is how you do this: Just joined and its great to see so much activity - I've always told stories, starting from trying to explain my lack of homework submissions. Right now I want to submit my first new screenplay and get represented but I see I'm far from alone and I have no idea...