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“Write one sentence that is the midpoint turn of a novel. Any genre.” - Thank you, @Rich. for suggesting this month’s One Perfect Sentence prompt. I’m very excited to see what everyone comes up with… it’s not the usual opening / closing sentence idea – it will stretch you in an interesting, creative way. Pivot moments are like gold-dust to the writer. They’re the moment at which your reader sees thing in a whole new paradigm… not just a paradigm shift, more like a paradigm earthquake...
Thank all of you for participating in the book club this year! We've had some wonderful books and some real turkeys, but we've even had fun mocking the bad books this year. I look forward to repeating the event. So, would you like to take part? The Litopia Literary Society (Okay, I just made that up, but it sure sounds nice, doesn't it?) meets on a Saturday--usually the second or third Saturday of the month--one hour after Huddle ends. We ask our regulars to contribute a title, which is...
Thread 'What are you reading at the moment? Recommendations welcome'
It's not that I'm stuck for reading anything at the moment, but it's nice to know what Litopians are reading - might provide valuable material for a writer or a pleasant diversion away from the genre s/he are writing in. I was going to say 'Bookshelf,' but that's recently been mentioned as a possible scam. But it would be quite nice to peruse our own 'Litopian Library' as an accompaniment to local bookshops/Amazon, etc. Someone in the Welcome Lounge mentioned writing about walking the entire...