Writing memes (add your favourites)

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No meme unfortunately, but I come from a Welsh family of teachers, from maths to art and domestic science. Anyway, my grandfather had a shelf of books which included a red leather bound volume roughly 1.5 inches thick, trim size about 7 x 5 ". Its title was 'The Complete Self Educator'. :) Ideal for autodidacts.
I never really understood the cat sitting on the keyboard thing until recently. Our cat never wanted anything to do with me while I was at work until a few weeks ago. He'd been to the vet and had to be sedated (because he's a large, extremely aggressive animal the vets refuse to even look at without sedation). He came back a totally different cat. Has only attacked me once in weeks, and has started harassing me while I work--sitting on my desk, walking over the keyboard. Whatever they gave him was goooood stuff!

Fanfare! Is this a record?

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