writing chronologically or sporadically?

News Blue Moose

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Mar 3, 2023
something's just occurred to me-- i write rather randomly when it comes to chapters.
with the first draft my second book, i developed a strange habit of plotting out the entire book first, then just writing whichever chapters i felt like writing that day. i think i started at chapter 1, then chapter 8, then 17, 6 20, etc. until i finished the entire draft. then, for the second draft, i'd rewrite them in chronological order.
i don't know where i got the idea to do this (i've always assumed most authors wrote chronologically?), but i remember that it was actually a lot more enjoyable than how i write now. it was nice to pick whatever chapter fit my mood at the time, and i think it increased the quality of my writing to write an emotional chapter when i was feeling angry, or a funny chapter when i was feeling lighthearted.
just curious-- does anyone else do this?
something's just occurred to me-- i write rather randomly when it comes to chapters.
with the first draft my second book, i developed a strange habit of plotting out the entire book first, then just writing whichever chapters i felt like writing that day. i think i started at chapter 1, then chapter 8, then 17, 6 20, etc. until i finished the entire draft. then, for the second draft, i'd rewrite them in chronological order.
i don't know where i got the idea to do this (i've always assumed most authors wrote chronologically?), but i remember that it was actually a lot more enjoyable than how i write now. it was nice to pick whatever chapter fit my mood at the time, and i think it increased the quality of my writing to write an emotional chapter when i was feeling angry, or a funny chapter when i was feeling lighthearted.
just curious-- does anyone else do this?

Yeah. I do this. I start with chapters 1 - 3 then hop all over the place.
I've read of published authors who write that way. Can't remember who. If you know the entire plot, then why not? Especially if you enjoy it.

I usually write from start to finish, but when I revise I have to jump around to fix plot and other problems. So I don't see a reason not to draft chapters out of order. The important thing is to complete the first draft so you have something to revise and publish.
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I have written out of sequence sometimes. I also often reshuffle after things are written to see whether they work better that way. If you're a plotter, I suspect it doesn't matter what you write first or in what order. If you're a pantser, it may be more important. I used to be a pantser, but co-writing with my sister @Catherine Le Bars taught me the benefit of plotting before you start :)
I'm a plotter so I know the story. I tend to write the first few chapters then do a bit of work on the end so that my middle progresses at an appropriate pace. On my first edit after drafting, I always work chronologically with bits of jumping back and forth to fix continuity issues, especially when I make minor changes. On that edit I find I also much improve the end I originally wrote (though the story itself will remain the same. Probably). But that's just a way that suits me.
something's just occurred to me-- i write rather randomly when it comes to chapters.
with the first draft my second book, i developed a strange habit of plotting out the entire book first, then just writing whichever chapters i felt like writing that day. i think i started at chapter 1, then chapter 8, then 17, 6 20, etc. until i finished the entire draft. then, for the second draft, i'd rewrite them in chronological order.
i don't know where i got the idea to do this (i've always assumed most authors wrote chronologically?), but i remember that it was actually a lot more enjoyable than how i write now. it was nice to pick whatever chapter fit my mood at the time, and i think it increased the quality of my writing to write an emotional chapter when i was feeling angry, or a funny chapter when i was feeling lighthearted.
just curious-- does anyone else do this?
I write chronologically; my brain just doesn't work any other way!
My only caveat would be continuity. The first draft is discovery. You know a lot more about the characters at the end. But if you are a meticulous plotter and have no problem remembering things out of order-you can probably keep up with the continuity. My characters change eye colours enough when I write chronologically. Revising though I think it helps to start at the back and work forward chapter by chapter.
I’ve never considered writing out of order, but you may get inspiration that doesn’t fit where you’re currently writing and just can’t stop until you put it on paper. I do however like to write the ending first most of the time. Helps me to know where I’m going at least in some way.
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