Word count bank

Forthcoming Open Subs for SF/F writers

Writing in a language that is not your own

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Well I did it, but for today - nothing but babysitting a five-year-old. Tomorrow, a new goal.

But you thought about it, right?

Word count for past few days = 0
I count them and weep.

My 4 year old son is being a clingy, crazy, rampaging, wild fiend-boy, giving me no time or inclination to write. I hope it's a phase and not his true temperament asserting itself. We will see.:rolleyes:
Sounds familiar tbh.

I wish i had a room of my own sometimes. Love em to bits but need focus to write.
I have a whole building of my own (albeit a VERY small one), and it doesn't keep the riff raff out. Worst is when my husband is home--he comes in, plops down in my bean bag chair, and chats...Love them all, but sometimes I just want to scream, "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!"
Yes, I get up at 5, but there's the milking and animal care to do, and by the time I'm through with all that, the rest of the family is up (they're up by 6.30). Oh well, school will start up again soon, and my productivity will improve...
Had a dentist appointment this morning and I'm very lucky here because the real job is still slow. The story is up to 10K. I have a meeting at the real job in 20 minutes, so not sure I can finish this story today, but definitely tomorrow morning. :)
Wow, I had a dentist appointment yesterday (your today), too! Weird. No root canal, just a check up. And, of course, the obligatory exchange of produce with the dentist--I give him cheese and veggies he doesn't grow, and he gives me fruit, walnuts, and free dental work when he can sneak it in. Pretty good deal!
DONE! Just clicked submit on the story! It came in at 14,677, so still some wiggle room for that 15K cap if I need it. Even if Evernight doesn't take it for the anthology, it's inspired the next series I will be writing once I finish up with The Weathermen, so I'm happy!! :D :D :D
Congratulations Carol! Truly, what breeds success is more success.
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Forthcoming Open Subs for SF/F writers

Writing in a language that is not your own
