Fanfare! 'The Inheritance' by Marc Joan published in Hypnos Magazine

Fanfare! Hodderscape: Open Submissions in August For SSF

How Do You Choose A Book?

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Ah, yes, Jason, I thought you seemed a bit like an old friend of mine from the PA Renn must be his younger brother, 'cause he did the same kind of thing back in his day! He has since fully recovered from leprosy and gone on to a successful career, so there's hope for you, too. ;) And yes, I did SCA while at Uni. in MI. Great fun!
Ah, yes, Jason, I thought you seemed a bit like an old friend of mine from the PA Renn must be his younger brother, 'cause he did the same kind of thing back in his day! He has since fully recovered from leprosy and gone on to a successful career, so there's hope for you, too. ;) And yes, I did SCA while at Uni. in MI. Great fun!
I hear the PA one is incredible. And I'm glad to hear his leprosy has cleared up.
Yes, PA was great in the mid 80s. Shortly before I left, ownership changed, and it lost a lot of its authenticity to Disneyfication, but it's wildly popular.
Not yet but I'm sure as hell gonna. I'll let you know when I do. We have to stick together! We showed Tim Butcher some love.

And Hypnos is so my style anyway, it would be as if someone said, "oh, did you hear the fourth book of Lord of the Rings is coming out?"

Oh and BTW, you're there. There are now people getting paid to give you critical feedback. You made it. Enjoy the ride.
Marc... do you realize your story is printed immediately before a piece by Arthur Machen?!!!


You have lived. You have lived.
If only it meant more than an accidental proximity!

Hypnos is a good little magazine, I think. Nice mix of old and new.
I got my copy yesterday, too! Quite aside from your own work being in it, the magazine itself looks interesting. I noticed, though, that Hypnos doesn't have an entry in the online Writer's Market directory.
Fantastic - nothing like holding a printed copy in you hand! Zines come and go but with print you've got it for ever. :)
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Fanfare! Hodderscape: Open Submissions in August For SSF

How Do You Choose A Book?
