Prize for Debut Writers after 50

Agents across the pond.

Boozy literature

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You would think my 946 children would have aged me enough to swing it... Feckers. Always raising the bar...
Blame that lovely kitten of yours. It's making you look younger every day with its energy. Your kitten counteracts the aging effeccts of your 946 children. So with that in mind, if you want to look older in time for May, simply send the youngy-fying kitten to my house (for safekeeping, spoiling, cuddling) ASAP. Even if the kitten youngy-fies me, I'd still fit the age to participate. I'll just show them my passport. They'll be saying, "Ah B, you really ARE indeed over 50. How do you look sooo young?" And I'll be saying, "It's kitten love."
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Agents across the pond.

Boozy literature
