New York Times - 8 Big Questions About AI

Be a panellist on Pop-Up Submissions!! We need someone on 18th June

Would you take the cash from Russia?

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LJ Beck

Full Member
Aug 20, 2022
This is a paid article, but I just discovered I have 10 gift articles per month. Nice. This is the gift link. I haven't tried it before, so let me know if it works. I believe I can share the same article unlimited times. If you want to read/view it (there's visuals as well) and the link doesn't work, let me know and I'll see if I can get a refreshed link. Links last 2 weeks. The article/video is long, but I really enjoyed it.

It's 5 "experts" (I don't know what qualifications make someone an expert) sharing opinions, all from different perspectives. There are some really interesting opinions on creativity. That was always the one thing we thought we had over computers... that computers are not creative. And what does creativity mean? Lots of thought provoking stuff, I thought.

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Be a panellist on Pop-Up Submissions!! We need someone on 18th June

Would you take the cash from Russia?
