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Amusement Imaginary friends

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Heya, nice to meet you. Welcome. A playwright. Wow. Plays aren't easy to write. I see your plays were performed Edinbr and Camden. Impressive. I love plays. (I'm a now-preoccupied-with-the-day-job-and-with-my-writing actor hence my obsession with reading plays. Oh, and I see we're sharing the same b'day. 13, good number, or so I'm led to believe by my mum.) What kind of novels are you working on?
Hello, nice to meet you. I took drama at teaching college, so I dabbled in play-wrighting. What themes do you tackle?
Welcome to the Colony, @NAudley !

@Barbara, I was marveling at your psychic powers -knowing all sorts of interesting details like plays were performed Edinbr and Camden, and sharing a birth-date! And then I remembered there was an About section... :see-no-evil-monkey: What shall I blame this time? Phase of the moon (getting a tad overused) or not enough cake? Best go with the cake again, I suppose...
Welcome again @NAudley, love your image :) Wow, congrats, you've done really well with your plays (sounds like you were really doing what you loved), why the shift?
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Verification Process

Amusement Imaginary friends
