In case anyone needs a laugh...

Is it ok to have a Private Investigator based in Soho?

We need to talk - and be able to talk - about ‘offence’

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So funny! Esp when he jumped out dishevelled :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:

You should continue this thread with moments of comedic genius (apart from those that happen on Pop-ups!!!)!!
Nothing could ever really be that bad… could it?
It’s the self-satisfied grin he gives at the end, he’s really proud of it!
At this point, words fail…
But it’s a classic all right, thanks @Andy D ...
I'll see your Shatner and raise you a Shane (aka Ted Bovis. Hi-de-Hi's genial camp host.) This is a tough watch. :)

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Is it ok to have a Private Investigator based in Soho?

We need to talk - and be able to talk - about ‘offence’
