Huddles – Small Change

This Is A Cover.

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
We’ve made a small change to the way that Huddles are notified – again, it’s really to ensure that we provide a high degree of confidentiality to members’ musings, posts and of course any work in progress that’s posted.

Once you’ve signed up for a Huddle in the Saturday Writers' Huddle forum, you will no longer receive Huddle details by PC (Personal Communication – the Colony’s own internal email system).

Instead, you’ll be included in a new, private thread in a new subforum – The Huddle Hangout.

Only Huddle participants can see this thread, and it will be deleted (together with any attachments you’ve uploaded) once discussions have concluded there, usually a few days after the Huddle has taken place.

This won’t make any real difference to the way Huddles operate.
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This Is A Cover.

This is not a random, pointless thread.
