Help, cos I'm rubbish at grammar.

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Vagabond Heart

Full Member
Hi guys.

Here's the excuse: we moved house a lot when I was a kid, which meant also many, many schools. And I'd leave one before the rules of grammar were taught only to arrive at another where it'd already been handled. Ergo, I know shit.

Here's the question: So which is correct?
A. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner,' I object?
B. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner?' I object.

Asking for a friend, obviously.
Hi guys.

Here's the excuse: we moved house a lot when I was a kid, which meant also many, many schools. And I'd leave one before the rules of grammar were taught only to arrive at another where it'd already been handled. Ergo, I know shit.

Here's the question: So which is correct?
A. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner,' I object?
B. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner?' I object.

Asking for a friend, obviously.
Yes, B
Hi guys.

Here's the excuse: we moved house a lot when I was a kid, which meant also many, many schools. And I'd leave one before the rules of grammar were taught only to arrive at another where it'd already been handled. Ergo, I know shit.

Here's the question: So which is correct?
A. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner,' I object?
B. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner?' I object.

Asking for a friend, obviously.
As noted, spanner? is correct, though you could have a spanner? I object? though it changes the meaning
Hi guys.

Here's the excuse: we moved house a lot when I was a kid, which meant also many, many schools. And I'd leave one before the rules of grammar were taught only to arrive at another where it'd already been handled. Ergo, I know shit.

Here's the question: So which is correct?
A. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner,' I object?
B. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner?' I object.

Asking for a friend, obviously.
A means the speaker objects, but tentatively. Could be written as "How come you need...? I object"
B means the same. But the speaker is not tentative.

Sympathy about the multiple schools. My grade school years were in Southern California, so my parents did not have to relocate in order to expose me to multiple misguided educational theories.
B is correct, but 'How come . . . spanner?' is in itself an objection, so you don't need to clarify with I object. You'd be better off just saying I say.
'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the spanner?' I say. (You could add a facial expression if you want to increase the show of person objecting). 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the spanner?' I frown at him/I take one off his bench/whatever action beat suits your story.
Hi guys.

Here's the excuse: we moved house a lot when I was a kid, which meant also many, many schools. And I'd leave one before the rules of grammar were taught only to arrive at another where it'd already been handled. Ergo, I know shit.

Here's the question: So which is correct?
A. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner,' I object?
B. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner?' I object.

Asking for a friend, obviously.
I think this has been answered but: B is correct.
Thank you everyone. I thought it was B, and that’s what I generally use, but have recently seen A and then got horribly confused. Xxx
Grammar is logical. But my writer brains goes blank on things my editor brain picks up. Just remember complete the thought then what punctuation does that thought need?

But Adrien is on to something. This is dialog. You being British and all you probably do yell at your husband in complete sentences. But maybe it moves faster if it's more:

"FFS darling" , my hand swept across a vast expanse of spanners, "how many are there? A Gazillion? You keep all these and I'm marching down to Oxfam and taking back all my shoes."
Hi guys.

Here's the excuse: we moved house a lot when I was a kid, which meant also many, many schools. And I'd leave one before the rules of grammar were taught only to arrive at another where it'd already been handled. Ergo, I know shit.

Here's the question: So which is correct?
A. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner,' I object?
B. 'How come you get to keep a gazillion versions of the same spanner?' I object.

Asking for a friend, obviously.
B - but you know some Latin! Worth getting writing software to help with stuff like this (aside from here, of course).
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