Guess what's coming up...

Films which are better than the books that they are based on


Old English

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If they have a reception desk and a lobby they need a bar and pool room... Gotta have a good pool room.
That's true, but if the world floods, the water ain't going to be clean is it ;)
Well, on an ark, it is a good way to deal with excess population growth...Hey everyone! Let's go swimming! You first.
Indeed, there is some speculation that small Pacific islands used to do that very thing--send the excess young men off in canoes to explore...
Well, on an ark, it is a good way to deal with excess population growth...Hey everyone! Let's go swimming! You first.
Indeed, there is some speculation that small Pacific islands used to do that very thing--send the excess young men off in canoes to explore...
I bet they did too! Ooh someone needs to mark that one on a wall for a story me thinks :)
Which category does the Wyrm fall into?
You know, I don't know.

Do we have any medieval-magical-monster-fighting Hebrews in the room? Are wyrms kosher?

And is it weird that I did wonder what would happen to someone that tried to eat it? They appear to be a perfectly safe diet for giants; this much we've determined.
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Films which are better than the books that they are based on


Old English
