
Do I wait?

April writing goals.

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Hey Phil, I really liked your submission yesterday. You have a strong voice. Unfortunatly I had to go due to other commitments and hence missed the end. Keep at it. You could even use the main character in other novels.
Thanks Barbara. I do have a plan to make another couple of novels with the character should the first one be picked up. Thanks for the kind words.
Keep at it and take all of Pete's advice on board.
You got him interested that's something.
A very strong submission overall :)
Just to add to the love, really enjoyed your submission. In a few places it actually put me in mind of A Confederacy of Dunces, which as one of my all time favourite books, is about as a high a compliment as I can pay!
Just to add to the love, really enjoyed your submission. In a few places it actually put me in mind of A Confederacy of Dunces, which as one of my all time favourite books, is about as a high a compliment as I can pay!
Thank you very much! I'd never even heard of that book but I'll look it up now.
Hello Phil, welcome to the Colony. I haven't listened to yesterday's pop-up yet, but will soon. I'm looking forward to learning about your novel #2
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Do I wait?

April writing goals.
