Grammarly & other writing apps

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
I added the Grammarly app to Google Chrome a few months ago. The main reason I did so, was to combat my tendency towards comma-itis. I called commas 'Satan's fleas' in another thread, and they are still hopping around.

Grammarly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't realise that Grammarly doesn't work with the LibreOffice writing software I use, and I'm in two minds about whether I'm disappointed about this, for it's a mix of aggravating, helpful and dimwitted. It works on my Gmail messages and is correcting this as I type.

I'm using the free version, though there is a paid upgrade. What I like about it, is that it catches shpelling mishtakes that I miss (that drove it mad!), and offers sage advice on commas and other punctuation. I dislike its rigid algorithm, which discourages any free-form writing where I stray away from the normal layout. I wrote a paragraph of speech for a brain-damaged man, affected with echolalia where he repeats phrases without pausing for breath—Grammarly put red underlining beneath most of the words.

Another thing that's annoying, is the spell checker which hasn't heard of quite common words. This is a failing of many spell checkers and I've sometimes wondered who provides the software for their dictionaries. When I typed 'pauper' it asked me if I meant 'paper'?

Have any of you used Grammarly or any other writing apps such as Ginger or After The Deadline? Were they a help or hindrance?
I use grammarly all the time now. Its an add on to my chrome browser, so where ever I have an input box on a form, it springs into action. I use the free version. I am mildly dyslexic, so thank dog for grammarly.
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