G'day, Mates!


Help! Short of reading material?

Fanfare! An Appetite For Blackmail an All Romance Sunday Staff Pick!!

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My intrepid sister is currently working on board a fishing trawler off S Island New Zealand. She went to NZ on a pig farming ticket to start with, and never came back, except on visits.
I've always wanted to go to NZ. One day.
Maryland sounds nice too, but my kids want to see kakapos and tuataras. Got those in Maryland?
Alas, fondness for tuataras notwithstanding, I'm afraid not — we only have the odd hyena, and manbearpig.
Ohhhhhhh. One of those.

Yeah, lots of us who arrive in NZ never manage to leave. Beats Maryland, Jason...by a long shot! Not that there aren't beautiful places in Maryland (I grew up next door in PA). I make sure I go back to the US every couple of years, just to remind myself of how good I have it here, in spite of my abysmal job prospects and over 15,000 earthquakes in the past 4 years. I do miss megafauna, though--too bad the moa and Haast eagle are gone.
As much a shame as the loss of the short-faced bear and American lion and smilodon.

Wait. Is that a shame?
I'm okay with fauna being small enough now to fight with your bare hands, like the mountain lion or the Ewok.
Don't come to Scotland then or the Each Uisage might get you ;)
Don't come to Scotland then or the Each Uisage might get you ;)
Pshaw. I fought the Pooka of Greyrock; he looks pretty similar. Wait here.

Sorry. I had to take the opportunity to be Sir Alyn, just for a second. Spent long enough writing about him.
Wait, wait. Where were we? I kinda wandered off there. Writing Saint was back from New Zealand, and Robin loves mealworms.
Yeah, I thought this thread was my shout out to y'all to say hello. It's...wandered...now Jason's fighting the Each Uisage and posting pictures of manbearpigs here...almost as weird as listening to my kids talk to each other on the way to school...
And, truth be told, you're all going to have to get much weirder to be as bizarre as my kids...driving them to school every day is like being caught in a Dali painting.
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Help! Short of reading material?

Fanfare! An Appetite For Blackmail an All Romance Sunday Staff Pick!!
