What makes a good story?

Welcome… I’m New Here! A sucker for punishment

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Is it an agent or publisher? Research them first and make sure they are a good fit for you. I've had a couple of requests from publishers after twitter pitches which were so not right for my book. I had an agent one too which sounded a good fit, so I sent my MS. She rejected in the end, but she did give me useful comments. I ignored the publisher ones, but I know others who have acquired a great publisher through a twitter pitch. Just take care. There are scammers out there who check the twitter pitches too.

Good luck though :shamrock:
Hi LA Thomas, I have no idea what MoodPitch is, but it seems a 'well done' is deserved. I hope they like your full MS.
Best wishes
Paul C
Thanks Paul. It’s a Twitter competition and if an agent likes your post, it’s an invitation to submit. I actually got four different agent likes so need to pull my socks up and get submitting!!
Is it an agent or publisher? Research them first and make sure they are a good fit for you. I've had a couple of requests from publishers after twitter pitches which were so not right for my book. I had an agent one too which sounded a good fit, so I sent my MS. She rejected in the end, but she did give me useful comments. I ignored the publisher ones, but I know others who have acquired a great publisher through a twitter pitch. Just take care. There are scammers out there who check the twitter pitches too.

Good luck though :shamrock:
Thanks Hannah. All four are legit agents! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Thanks Hannah. All four are legit agents! Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Happy Pumped Up GIF by AT&T

I just got a full request due to my MoodPitch entry yesterday on Twitter.

I haven’t read my MS since I made all the changes to the opening pages/first chapter!

Not sure what to do!

Thanks for letting me vent. Not that you had a choice.

Woohoo! Exciting! Since it's a full request, I think it is perfectly fine to take your time and make sure the MS is in the best shape you can make it before you submit. I made the mistake of rushing to get a full request to one of my dream agents when they liked one of my Twitter pitches and I wish I hadn't wasted such an opportunity.

Re publishers: echoing what @Hannah F said. Research them thoroughly. Small presses can be a bit of a mixed bag.
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What makes a good story?

Welcome… I’m New Here! A sucker for punishment
