Fanfare! Double fanfare in one! My first official sponsor. And...official endorsement!

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Feb 27, 2015
Today has been one of those amazing days!

I am so blown away by the generosity of people and organisations that want to help when you just 'let it go' I've been going on about.

Well just received my first sponsor of £2,500 for the project. It might be a small contribution but it means we're on the map people!! on the map! The publishing road map full of parkour obstacle fun!

Not only this but I am putting together a press release and Mr Foucan (parkour pioneer and actor) has provided me with these beautiful words:

"The winning school/class will experience a 1 hour master class from the pioneer of Parkour and founder of Freerunning, Sebastien Foucan. Sebastien is a massive supporter of the project and congratulates Eiman on her mission to merge play, parkour and science together."

That's priceless. I am just bowled over at this. This means by July 2016 the first book will be launched. It will be fully edited and revised until it's top notch by one of the leading and respected editors in children's fiction. I will get to that later.

Oh my!
The reason why this is so big for the project is because it's a first sponsor. The first sponsor is ALWAYS the hardest. You can track the dates form the 'plunging' thing-a-me-bob thread and work out how long it took.

When I first approached sponsors in 2006 it was only after getting Boots involved that excited other sponsors. You know the attitude 'if it's good enough for Mrs Jones it good enough for me'.

This new project took a few weeks to get. I will announce them soon...they are big! boy are these guys big. They are really supportive:

"We are excited to be supporting this great programme and this will be part of our STEM activities and I will be co-ordinating this going forward along with our Communications Team who are responsible for PR and press releases etc."

That is just so generous. Providing PR and help with press releases! So kind.

CONGRATULATIONS Emu. I know how awesome this must feel. Like, in the old sense of the word.

Well done. Success breeds success.

This deserves cake and strawberries! Congratulations Em!
I beg to differ. That's lovely.

Perhaps, but I just don't have the volume of images to play with (nor the talent of some of those folks out there who do cakes for a living!) Nor do I work in fondant frosting (because it's not vegetarian, and I haven't perfected a vegetarian substitute), which is what those spectacular cakes use.
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Keep your day jobs...

Well-known authors apply for emergency funding
