Fanfare! Dingo & Sister wins two Aurealis Awards! *squee*

Keyboard Hygiene

Dream Horse (2021)

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I'm thrilled to say that my sci-fi/fantasy story Dingo & Sister—workshopped here in the writing groups—won two Aurealis Awards tonight for Best Fantasy Novella and Best Young Adult Short Story!

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You can see the full list of winners here: 2020 Aurealis Awards Winners

That's absolutely freaking fabulous! Well done :) You deserve it! I reckon you're goat story is a contender for the next awards. Congratulations :bottle-with-popping-cork: :sparkles::clapping-hands:
What fantastic news, Nikky.

Hooooooooooooooooj congrats. Really well done. :cocktail-glass::clinking-glasses::wine-glass::bottle-with-popping-cork::bottle-with-popping-cork::bottle-with-popping-cork:
That's so brilliantly fantastic! One of the few stories that has always stayed with me. WELL DONE Nicky, you are amazing :clinking-glasses::shortcake::clapping-hands::star-struck:
Woo-hoo! Well done, congrats and may the next be bigger and shinier and louder!
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Keyboard Hygiene

Dream Horse (2021)
