Amusement Corona-memes: A bit of a laugh during a time of plague.

When writers take risks and it rocks

Inspiration! Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia

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A couple of weeks ago, our Covid-19 Response Minister, Chris Hipkins made a gaffe at the daily news conference. When questioned about the trouble with social distancing while exercising, he said, "Look, I know it's hard to get out there and spread your legs." This, of course, went viral, and we've all been giggling about it for weeks. Yesterday he showed up at the news conference and took a sip from this mug:
Not a corona meme, but something to do during the plague. Go on, do the maths. I know you want to.

Hmmm... I'd thought that the Apple must = 10 as 30 / 3 = 10.

18 - Apple (10) = 8 , 8/2 = 4, so Banana must = 4

If Banana (4) - Coconut = 2 then Coconut must = 2.

So, Coconut (2) + Apple (10) + Banana (4) = 16.

That's my math, but I may have missed something obvious. How'd you both make 14?
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When writers take risks and it rocks

Inspiration! Wolf-style love and the Lupercalia
