Call for Submission - Third Flatiron anthology - pro rates

27 Calls for Submissions in November 2016 - Paying Markets

Of interest (maybe) to self-publishers

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Peggy Lou

Mar 14, 2016
This is a message I got from the editor, Juliana Rew. They are paying pro-rates now. The next deadline is December 31st, so plenty of time.

We are happy that Third Flatiron's Fall/Winter anthology, "Keystone
Chronicles" is getting good reviews.

Tomorrow, we are opening a call for submissions for our next
speculative fiction anthology, "Principia Ponderosa," which will have a Weird
Western/Steampunk/Gothic theme. We're proud of the fact that we
encourage both new and established writers to submit short stories to
us and are excited to announce that we will be paying pro rates (6
cents per word) for all accepted submissions. We are open between
November 1 and December 31.
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27 Calls for Submissions in November 2016 - Paying Markets

Of interest (maybe) to self-publishers
