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Tiffany Yates Martin's course on Multiple POV

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Two I find helpful:

Skip the bit that I'm stuck on, and work on a bit that I'm excited about.

It's not writer's block, it's that what I'm writing is crap. So time to figure out why, and get into some brainstorming.
I wanna know about the blue paper technique!
Blue stimulates the creative half of the brain, whereas red stimulates the logical side. Heard about it on radio 4.
So I always write on blue paper.

When I’m stuck, and getting nowhere, it’s usually because I’ve forgotten to change the page to blue. I change it, and 10 to 20 minutes later I’m coming up with new ideas again.

If a blue screen is too difficult for your eyes, you could spread a blue cloth over the table you’re working on so it’s there in the background.

Blue stimulates the creative half of the brain, whereas red stimulates the logical side. Heard about it on radio 4.
So I always write on blue paper.

When I’m stuck, and getting nowhere, it’s usually because I’ve forgotten to change the page to blue. I change it, and 10 to 20 minutes later I’m coming up with new ideas again.

If a blue screen is too difficult for your eyes, you could spread a blue cloth over the table you’re working on so it’s there in the background.

My front room is mainly red and where I create best. I don't buy this one size fits all. Besides, I don't need it. I don't suffer from writer's block.
Blue stimulates the creative half of the brain, whereas red stimulates the logical side. Heard about it on radio 4.
So I always write on blue paper.

When I’m stuck, and getting nowhere, it’s usually because I’ve forgotten to change the page to blue. I change it, and 10 to 20 minutes later I’m coming up with new ideas again.

If a blue screen is too difficult for your eyes, you could spread a blue cloth over the table you’re working on so it’s there in the background.

Ahhh.... I also heard that red stimulates the appetite, and we painted our dining room red in one house.

I took a few seminars from Robert McKee back in the day, and he insisted that we all write on yellow legal pads. I don't know why. I think I still have my notes... I filled a few of those pads.
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I am confused.com

Tiffany Yates Martin's course on Multiple POV
