A Fabulous Opportunity

Dream Horse (2021)

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I agree with Hannah, @Lex Black . You have a great voice for readings and I bet for voiceovers too. The American accent doesn't detract from it in the slightest. Good advice from @Barbara . I say go for it – and best of luck!
You're all wonderful! Hey, @Ancora Imparo, imagine me saying a certain line:

"Have you ever wondered, Cynthia, why there is always thunder in Ylelon?"

Whatayathink? :D
I was once told I have a good voice for radio. If you're still looking, I'd be up for giving it a try, and won't take offence if you don't use me.
Hi there, I am looking for people who would be interested in doing some narrations for Pop-Up Submissions... it's only 700 words! And is, as the title suggests: *A Fabulous Opportunity*, with all sorts of possibilities (New skills! Audiobooks! My unending appreciation! A bitta craic in the background...)

If you are interested, will you comment below or DM me? There's a small amount of learning to use editing software, but, if I could manage it, anyone can :) I will hold your hand and gently guide you through it!! Please, please, please and many thanks :shortcake:
Hi Emily, I'm late to the party - just noticed this, but would be happy to narrate anytime you want a Scots accent
Oh, bugger. Now I'm worried that I don't have a great accent. It's sort of Merseyside meets East Midlands, with a twist of Mancunian and the odd Scots word.
We're not accent-ist at all, I promise!!!!!!

It's true. If you didn't hear my first Pop-Up narration last week, I sound like someone took every US English dialect north of the Mason-Dixon line and put it through a blender. I have literally had acquaintances stand and argue, in my presence, about where I "sound like (I) am from." "He sounds like one of those California surfer dudes!" "No, he sounds like he's from New England somewhere!" "No way, he's definitely from Chicago!"

If Litopia can put up with a mess like that, you should be just fine. :)
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Dream Horse (2021)

News We're In The News Today... :)
