58 Calls for Submissions in March 2021 - Paying markets

Zooming All Over The Place

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Thank you as always to Erica who is also on Twitter, a fount of market information for writers @EricaVerrillo
I find it hard for a Filipino like me to partake in such contests which restrictions where only Americans and Europeans can enter. Even if it's an international contest there's the issue of paying for your submissions. And there's only a few contests here in the Philippines and most of them requires you to write in the national language of the country but I can't enter those because all of what I write is in English.
I find it hard for a Filipino like me to partake in such contests which restrictions where only Americans and Europeans can enter. Even if it's an international contest there's the issue of paying for your submissions. And there's only a few contests here in the Philippines and most of them requires you to write in the national language of the country but I can't enter those because all of what I write is in English.
They're all free Cliff! And you'll see that most of them don't have geographical restrictions, and those that do are marked in the list. :)
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Zooming All Over The Place
