
Literary Agents: 10 important things to know

Novel writing competitions 2016

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Feb 19, 2016
I am hoping to be able to do reviews of members work and in exchange get some feedback on my work in progress. How do I do this?
Nothing silly about it, it's to protect our work from being copied and stolen which is too easy to do if we show our work in the public arena. And sadly work just get pinched and copied, though its never happened around here. Plus if you're having your work critiqued you don't want a bunch of strangers looking at your WIP ;)
Ah - I see. I hadn't thought about the protection angle. I have to admit I'm not looking for a space to chat about trivialities. I'm here to learn, and to offer what I can to help others.
@Richard Turner It works for most Litopians. We are all at various stages of developing our writing and art. Some are seasoned authors with a body of published work and quite a few (like me) have never published anything. The Critique / Houses process is one built on trust. It can be a daunting experience to ask people to critique your work if you don't handle rejection so well. Its easier if you are being critqued by people you see on Litopia on a regular basis and you know they contribute.
OK, but I have a few more negatives to get out of the way. Writing is about words and I care about how they are used.
Firstly I hate the use of the word 'Critique' as a verb. We already have the right word - criticise. Secondly if Litopia is a 'colony' where or what is it colonising? A colony is a group of people who have established a new home for themselves on someone else's territory. Is this what you are about, or are you an online community?
No, A colony in its earliest definition did not identify physical location with seperation. Some of the earliest colonies where based on different 'schools' of metaphysics, where you would go and study with likeminded people. Think Plato, Sophocles. I get your point about 'critique', but then English is not my strong point.

I'm late to the party (as usual) but I wanted to say if it hadn't been for Litopia's Houses, I don't believe I'd ever have been published to begin with.

This place isn't for everyone, and we don't take it personally when people realize it's not what they're looking for. But it is considered bad netiquette to come into a community as a brand new member and criticize the way the community is run, or offer up your own version of how things should be done.

That being said, if you decide this is what you want, I do hope you stick around. We don't only chat about trivialities. There's a wealth of knowledge here. Take a look around.

If you don't see a thread about some aspect of writing on which you're looking for more information, start a thread and ask the question. You could always post a link to something you found that has helped you with your own writing. Either of those will stimulate writing-related discussion among this group. :)
Thanks to Carol for this. I think you neatly illustrate my point about 'criticise'. Criticism, like argument, is a way of stimulating discussion or learning about something. Of course it's not down to me to suggest how the site is run, but I can give you my impression of what it looks like to a non-US outsider. On the one hand you seem to be something of a clique with some strange ways of doing things, but on the other hand you seem very open to new members and have responded fully and generously to my first dip into the pool that is Litopia. I will certainly follow your advice and see how I get on.
Of course it's not down to me to suggest how the site is run, but I can give you my impression of what it looks like to a non-US outsider.
I think most of the people on here are not from the US. Agent Pete started this site and I think it's mostly popular with those writers who have looked him up in the UK to submit to and then found this site, so a good portion are UK.
Thanks to Carol for this. I think you neatly illustrate my point about 'criticise'. Criticism, like argument, is a way of stimulating discussion or learning about something. Of course it's not down to me to suggest how the site is run, but I can give you my impression of what it looks like to a non-US outsider. On the one hand you seem to be something of a clique with some strange ways of doing things, but on the other hand you seem very open to new members and have responded fully and generously to my first dip into the pool that is Litopia. I will certainly follow your advice and see how I get on.
Hmm. There's certainly a strong and welcome US presence in Litopia, but I wouldn't have called it a US group -- not sure if that was your impression? And having been a member for a while, I would say it's anything but cliquey -- obviously some in-jokes develop over time, as will happen with any community, but I have never seen anybody being intentionally excluded on this or any other basis. If you think you are missing out on something, just say so -- you'll find many Litopians willing to explain / help. As for 'strange ways of doing things' - I suspect there's method in our madness, but everything is relative, I suppose.
What? You have some sort of secret inner circle? Why? This just seems silly to me.

It's happened a couple of times, Richard, that people have arrived, immediately asked for feedback (I know you haven't) and having got it, not been seen for dust. In the Houses, your work is more secure from casual viewers, but it's clear you mean business and that's good. So do we all in different ways, and with different projects but publishing in whatever form as the goal common to all. I hope you'll decide we're not 'cliquey', and stay around. The site is Peter's design, funded by him, subsidised here and there, and designed to be as open and welcoming as possible, just while deterring 'raids' and protecting work in progress.

Colony= on-line community...complete with all the various, attendant micro-organisms, and pixels :)
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In my head, critique encompasses what's right as well as what's wrong; criticize focuses on what's wrong. It is important to learn what's working for the reader, not just what does not work.
I'd be hard pressed to find enough bamboo to feed it on here in chilly Wales. What does the gift of a virtual panda signify?
We're not really sure. It's one of the new like buttons that have recently appeared, but as it appears to give a negative rating I've changed it into a wise owl instead :)
We're not really sure. It's one of the new like buttons that have recently appeared, but as it appears to give a negative rating I've changed it into a wise owl instead :)

I am shocked Kitty, I have been giving pandas to everyone, are you telling me I have been spreading negative energy to my fellow Litopians? I just thought they were cute.
Are the pandas a DOOM motif? Better get the low down in black and white. (scuttles away, ashamed of cheesy puns but with no intention of desisting)
OK, but I have a few more negatives to get out of the way. Writing is about words and I care about how they are used.
Firstly I hate the use of the word 'Critique' as a verb. We already have the right word - criticise. Secondly if Litopia is a 'colony' where or what is it colonising? A colony is a group of people who have established a new home for themselves on someone else's territory. Is this what you are about, or are you an online community?
Interesting points. Take the ants in my back yard. They raid my kitchen but they always carry the spoil back to their colony except when they find a drop of honey or jam. So far as "critique" as a verb goes, you'll have to put it down to language change. I used to fret about "impact" losing its preposition and becoming a verb. Phrases such as: "It impacts the whole community" still send shivers across my lexicographical sensitivity. But there you are. It's happening. :rolleyes:
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Literary Agents: 10 important things to know

Novel writing competitions 2016
