Important! Please Test Our Discord Server…!

Tiffany Yates Martin on "Real Writers."

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Several Litopians have suggested that we should experiment with our own Discord server… Et voilà! We now have one. And I need you to play around with it, please, and report back.

*** What Is Discord?

Discord permits communications with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers". It runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS, Linux, and in web browsers. It started life primarily as a gamers’ platform to exchange messages and voice chats during gameplay, but it’s grown considerably since then.

*** How Do I Sign Up?


It’s essentially free, but they may try to upsell you. There is no need to pay for a subscription.

*** What Use Is It?

Think about Litopia’s own chat room, but with a lot of bells and whistles added. From our point of view, the main benefit of Discord is that it allows folk to chat by live video (and just audio, if you want). It’s like a Huddle using Zoom, but you can jump in whenever you want to (just like Litopia’s own chat rooms). It’s open 24/7, time zones are meaningless :)

*** How Can Litopia Use It?

That’s up to you to find out please! Since you can share screens and do video chat, it could be a useful way for two or more people to do some intensive work on a manuscript or blurb.

But… it’s really up to you to check it out and let me know whether you think a permanent Discord integration will be a boon to the Colony.

*** Is It Private?

Litopia’s own discord “server” is private to the extent that it will only allow only Litopians to take part. However, please be aware that Discord has its own terms of service (that I have not looked at yet) that may well be a bit Zuckerbergian. Be cautious: unlike the Colony, there may be no way for you to remove work-in-progress that you post for review. Let me know about this, please.

*** How To Check it Out?

Probably best to check it out with at least one other person, so you can play around with audio and video etc. So fix a time with another Litopian.

  • First of all, set up your own Discord account.

  • Next, please go to your Account Portal where you’ll now see a Discord connection option that you should enable.

  • Then you can access Litopia’s Discord server here:

Join the Litopia Video Café Discord Server!

At the moment, the only folk who can access it are Full Members.


I look forward to your feedback!
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Several Litopians have suggested that we should experiment with our own Discord server… Et voilà! We now have one. And I need you to play around with it, please, and report back.

*** What Is Discord?

Discord permits communications with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers". It runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS, Linux, and in web browsers. It started life primarily as a gamers’ platform to exchange messages and voice chats during gameplay, but it’s grown considerably since then.

*** How Do I Sign Up?


It’s essentially free, but they may try to upsell you. There is no need to pay for a subscription.

*** What Use Is It?

Think about Litopia’s own chat room, but with a lot of bells and whistles added. From our point of view, the main benefit of Discord is that it allows folk to chat by live video (and just audio, if you want). It’s like a Huddle using Zoom, but you can jump in whenever you want to (just like Litopia’s own chat rooms). It’s open 24/7, time zones are meaningless :)

*** How Can Litopia Use It?

That’s up to you to find out please! Since you can share screens and do video chat, it could be a useful way for two or more people to do some intensive work on a manuscript or blurb.

But… it’s really up to you to check it out and let me know whether you think a permanent Discord integration will be a boon to the Colony.

*** Is It Private?

Litopia’s own discord “server” is private to the extent that it will only allow only Litopians to take part. However, please be aware that Discord has its own terms of service (that I have not looked at yet) that may well be a bit Zuckerbergian. Be cautious: unlike the Colony, there may be no way for you to remove work-in-progress that you post for review. Let me know about this, please.

*** How To Check it Out?

Probably best to check it out with at least one other person, so you can play around with audio and video etc. So fix a time with another Litopian.

  • First of all, set up your own Discord account.

  • Next, please go to your Account Portal where you’ll now see a Discord connection option that you should enable.

  • Then you can access Litopia’s Discord server here:

Join the Litopia Video Café Discord Server!

At the moment, the only folk who can access it are Full Members.

I look forward to your feedback!
I have no idea what this is or how it works, but will give it a try. But the name Discord? Hummmm.
I love this idea! Last time I played with it, my involvement never really took off. I had no one to chat with. Can't wait to see where this goes...
But how do I stop it trying to access my camera when I'm not using it? (I had it previously but deleted the app because that kept happening.)
It hasn't done that to me, so I guess there must be a default setting... However I'm really not a Discord maven so can someone please assist...?
Discord by name-discord by nature? We need Mickle or Jonny here to gives us the context. "No , dont cut the blue wire! Cut Dis cord.'

"Dis cord is the basis for all Rock and Roll songs."

OK is this account portal Litopia's or Discord. I cant seem to get anywhere. I'm stuck at where you put the code in. Accepting Pete's invite I saw the list of "friends" but now I cant even get back there.
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But how do I stop it trying to access my camera when I'm not using it? (I had it previously but deleted the app because that kept happening.)
Oh I’m a bit concerned about this. Bots have little regulation, so if you’ve been on a malicious server with bots that were unregulated, that may be where this behavior is coming from. There is a way to decline access to your camera. I’m still bleary eyed atm. Hold up
Discord by name-discord by nature? We need Mickle or Jonny here to gives us the context. "No , dont cut the blue wire! Cut Dis cord.'

"Dis cord is the basis for all Rock and Roll songs."

OK is this account portal Litopia's or Discord. I cant seem to get anywhere. I'm stuck at where you put the code in. Accepting Pete's invite I saw the list of "friends" but now I cant even get back there.
I can make a video if that would help…. But wouldn’t be able to make it until tonight
I can make a video if that would help…. But wouldn’t be able to make it until tonight
Thanks, but it wouldnt help. it's not that I cant follow the directions is probably that something is different on my compute. If it's the "You have to have Chrome" problem again-I'm so pissed. I'll try it on my throwaway laptop.
ah, discord! i haven't checked my discord in a while, but i used to use it non-stop a few years ago... i guess now would be a good time to get back online :p
it would be AWESOME to have a litopia discord server! though i might not join for a bit-- i've got to revamp my profile, especially since it hasn't changed much since i was around 12...
also, considering i seem to have built a reputation for myself as the 'resident young person' (and considering i wouldn't get off of discord for about three straight years), i'd be happy to answer any questions about how it works. i think it's a fantastic platform, especially for quick and easy communication! litopia would translate very well to discord, too-- a different channel for different genres or discussions would be great if that isn't already implemented.
Looks like the Lounge, Community Hangout and Stream Room are set up to be live voice/video channels rather than text channels, i.e. they are more like a Zoom meeting room than chat channel.
Yeah Nikki. I'm pretty sure Pete did that deliberately. The idea being that we be able to connect and do Live Labs on our own. Better connections, more collaborations, more finished manuscripts, more published authors. Pete's dream- A true Litopia.
Hi @Brooke Got a note that someone sent me a sticker but I can't find it. Any idea where else I could look besides my mail box and profile page? Thank you.
It could very possibly have been me pressing the wrong buttons. Then again, it may not have been me. But I did press various buttons when I confirmed your friend request. I can't get to grips with this thing. :D
Looks like the Lounge, Community Hangout and Stream Room are set up to be live voice/video channels rather than text channels, i.e. they are more like a Zoom meeting room than chat channel.
I pretty much know nothing about Discord or all such things, but my first reaction is that since the Litopia site already has a whole bunch of ways to do text chats, it's a good thing (sometimes I think there are too many ways to do this with text chats, because it seems to cause me to miss a lot of people's posts, even if folks I follow). Video and audio chats sound like fun, and make for much better connections, since the written word doesn't communicate nuanced emotion or intended meanings as well as direct communication.
It could very possibly have been me pressing the wrong buttons. Then again, it may not have been me. But I did press various buttons when I confirmed your friend request. I can't get to grips with this thing. :D
No biggy Barbara - I press all kinds of keys too and for the moment haven't the foggiest idea what I'm doing. Though I must admit I had a long and meaningful conversation with Rachel yesterday via the PM system- I found that superb.
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Tiffany Yates Martin on "Real Writers."
