Why Do You Write?

TYM's on Character and Identity-Just in Time

Re. the AI discussion on this week's Pop-ups

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Eva Ulian

Full Member
Nov 16, 2018
Venice - Italy
At Pop-Ups yesterday @AgentPete asked his two panelists why they write to which they answered admirably.

Then panic struck me. What if some interviewer asked me the same question, what would I say?

Blank, total blank!

So, I thought perhaps others may find themselves in the same boat as I did then and to avoid that, let's be prepared and practice answering that same question:

Why do you write?

And maybe your answers could help me sort out my own doubts as to why I write. Looking forward to seeing them.

Happy Good Day GIF
I write because I love creating sentences that encompass moods and feelings. I love making up stories, and writing allows me to keep them. If other people like my stories, moods and feelings, that's even better.
What a beautiful expression of why you write - I don't think I'm that lucky. And I also know you don't have writer's block- what a blessing!
Is there anything at all that you dislike about writing!!!
At Pop-Ups yesterday @AgentPete asked his two panelists why they write to which they answered admirably.

Then panic struck me. What if some interviewer asked me the same question, what would I say?

Blank, total blank!

So, I thought perhaps others may find themselves in the same boat as I did then and to avoid that, let's be prepared and practice answering that same question:

Why do you write?

And maybe your answers could help me sort out my own doubts as to why I write. Looking forward to seeing them.

Happy Good Day GIF
I write to escape into a different world. I love becoming immersed in the characters' lives. Maybe I feel I can control the world in my story better than the reality of the world around me, though my characters often surprise me by doing their own thing!
At Pop-Ups yesterday @AgentPete asked his two panelists why they write to which they answered admirably.

Then panic struck me. What if some interviewer asked me the same question, what would I say?

Blank, total blank!

So, I thought perhaps others may find themselves in the same boat as I did then and to avoid that, let's be prepared and practice answering that same question:

Why do you write?

And maybe your answers could help me sort out my own doubts as to why I write. Looking forward to seeing them.

Happy Good Day GIF
Why do you breathe? Because you have to.
I love studying human nature, and wondering about the mysteries of the universe. Writing gives me an awesome structure to explore all that mulling.

I love creating characters who will teach me things about myself, or let me explore something I'm obsessed with, or have insane adventures that I can live vicariously through.

I love the complex puzzle of storytelling, and that it's a road of forever learning.

I love sinking into a different world and finding my place there, watching it unfold and become something that exists outside of me.

Maybe I write to keep sane?
I love studying human nature, and wondering about the mysteries of the universe. Writing gives me an awesome structure to explore all that mulling.

I love creating characters who will teach me things about myself, or let me explore something I'm obsessed with, or have insane adventures that I can live vicariously through.

I love the complex puzzle of storytelling, and that it's a road of forever learning.

I love sinking into a different world and finding my place there, watching it unfold and become something that exists outside of me.

Maybe I write to keep sane?
You're a dreamer. ;)
I love studying human nature, and wondering about the mysteries of the universe. Writing gives me an awesome structure to explore all that mulling.

I love creating characters who will teach me things about myself, or let me explore something I'm obsessed with, or have insane adventures that I can live vicariously through.

I love the complex puzzle of storytelling, and that it's a road of forever learning.

I love sinking into a different world and finding my place there, watching it unfold and become something that exists outside of me.

Maybe I write to keep sane?
Your writer's world sounds exciting.
I write to make sense of the world, people, and myself. So much is out of my control, but when I put words together in such a way, I can create a world that I understand, and a story that helps me navigate the very real world we live in. I hope that my stories help others make sense of the world, because this big planet is one massively confusing place.
I write to make sense of the world, people, and myself. So much is out of my control, but when I put words together in such a way, I can create a world that I understand, and a story that helps me navigate the very real world we live in. I hope that my stories help others make sense of the world, because this big planet is one massively confusing place.
And I wish you all the luck in the world, Serra, for your motive is something to be really proud of.
Oh, I just realized another reason I write. You know sometimes, when your doing a task that requires little actual thinking, and your brain (subconscious? Evil little voice? Wicked Imp in the wings?) starts to run a muck? Overplaying a conversation you may have had, or might one day have, rewinding and doing it again in various scenarios, just to see how wound up it can get you? Well! When that happens, I give my mischievous Imp a more interesting task. I put it to work on my story. Overplaying conversations my characters might have, or plot points that need spice, or generally stirring up trouble in my story just for the fun of it. Might as well make that little imp work for me. What would I do with it if I didn't write?

Hum, maybe I'm back to I write to keep sane?
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TYM's on Character and Identity-Just in Time

Re. the AI discussion on this week's Pop-ups
