Andromedia Spaceways Magazine - Issue #78

Andromedia Spaceways Magazine - Issue #78

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My novelette "Dingo & Sister" was just published by Andromeda Spaceways Magazine!

Here's the quirky intro/blurb from the editors:

In response to requests to depart the year 2020, we regret to inform passengers that our Mechanism for the Manipulation and Management of Multiverse Mechanics was damaged in a recent incident involving a black hole, and thus our usual time jumping methods are out of order.

Additionally, as the Ministry for Magic destroyed all of the time turners in 1996, it would appear that we’re 24 years too late to pilfer their supplies. In short, I’m afraid we’re stuck here. Not to worry my good passengers, to compensate we’re currently offering up discounted virtual reality pod services for the low price of 20% brain storage capacity. Available simulations include a stint into no fewer than three dystopias, a stowaway trip on a spaceship, and an unparalleled encounter with exceptionally clean toilets

We also bring you interviews with Aiki Flinthart and Matthew R Davis in our new Writers Unearthed, and reviews of Supernova Era by Cixin Liu, The Last Day by Andrew Hunter Murray, Icons Are People, Too by Scott Erickson, and The Ragged Blade by Christopher Ruz.
Nikky Lee
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