Oh, go on then, here's a spider...

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Sep 25, 2014
Anything to stop all this clamouring for more spiders. Those on Twitter will see where this is coming from. This is Ida. I drew these to go with a children's story, sitting in a drawer somewhere.

Ida lives in a crack in a wall in a utility room. Some heartless, stupid, careless zealot of a cleaning human just destroyed her web.


But a spider, any spider, is nothing if not resilient. She has calmed down, re-spun her web, and settled to a spot of light reading while waiting for a nice fat juicy fly. And her reading this evening, Famous Spiders in History. Next in the queue, that book on the floor, Humans, Terrible But True: The Facts.

Love it, @Katie-Ellen Hazeldine ! We have a deluge of MASSIVE wolf spiders at the moment. As I type, there is one pretending to not watch me while I pretend to not watch her. I have to admit they give me the heebie jeebies, but we put up with each other (and they are never in fear of losing their homes in this house ;) )
:) I was sweeping the floor, and saw these two legs sticking out from under the unit. I very gently pushed the broom close to see what would happen. It was a wolf spider, and as the broom went slowly past she leapt out, springing on to the head, and ran about, checking in the bristles for anything to eat. She decided there wasn't anything worthwhile, jumped off and ran under the unit again, to take up her position, watching, waiting, two legs sticking out.

That's where the story, and these came from.
:) I was sweeping the floor, and saw these two legs sticking out from under the unit. I very gently pushed the broom close to see what would happen. It was a wolf spider, and as the broom went slowly past she leapt out, springing on to the head, and ran about, checking in the bristles for anything to eat. She decided there wasn't anything worthwhile, jumped off and ran under the unit again, to take up her position, watching, waiting, two legs sticking out.

That's where the story, and these came from.
I have difficulty in distinguishing the gender of kitties, it would be beyond me to know those of spiders. How do you know it is a "she"? Is it because only girl spiders spin a web? Asking for a friend. ;)
You'd allow for artistic licence I'm sure, but so far as I could tell, Eva, it didn't have the big palps at the front that the male has.
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What bias in favour of debuts?

What is a Critique Partner?
