
Thought For The Day

Beautiful young.....
Wise lady, Eleanor Roosevelt.

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  • I like this. You like that.
    Food, travel, books, movies, television shows, and on…and on… A family member of mine doesn’t ...
  • Good Day
    Birdsong melded with forest fragrance . butterflies danced the exuberance of life . while I sipped C ...
  • Think Like A Reader
    I always find Beta reading such a great opportunity to learn. I discover things that I’m sure I do ...
  • What’s the deal?
    My experience with deal sites. This one is for the writers. Last week, I ran a promotion for my nove ...
  • Padre Pio and I
    I’ve always had a sense of affinity with the Mystic Padre Pio and the fact that he was born the sa ...


Fanfare! Pleased To Announce A Major Deal...
Peter has heard me say this umpteen times over the years. Dark Matter, creepy as hell, was the book that led me to the discovery of Michelle...
Fanfare! Award finalist (x3!)
Well done! :clinking-glasses:
Fanfare! Double win for a Pop-ups panellist!
He was always a very supportive panellist. Good on him. :clapping-hands:
Fanfare! God Save the Queen
Great stuff, well done Terry!
Fanfare! Pizza Perfection? Time will tell
Very nice seems a perfect score. In Palermo we wanted to eat at a place where we always saw people. Finally a quiet evening and everything we...